Home Visit Orthopaedic Physiotherapy In Dorking

Aquian Orthopaedic physio and rehab Dorking, is set in the beautiful Surrey hills between Reigate and Epsom extending further South towards Crawley and West towards Leatherhead. Our team have lived and been active physio, pilates and rehab specialist in the community over the last 15 plus years, we offer specialist rehab treatment and care in the comfort of your own home.

Our core offering covers both pre and post orthopaedic rehab and physio following elective or trauma surgery around major joints such as hips, knees and shoulders. However, as the demand for self pay
has increased due to the lack of available NHS community in the Dorking and Reigate areas, Aquian has steadily grown our services. We now treat equally many elderly patients who are looking to
maximise their movement and to prevent and sustain further challenges with arthritic pain or continue to overcome complex conditions such as Parkinson’s and long Covid.

We also now draw on leading movement, sports science techniques and technology (like a Compex muscle stimulator) into supporting all ages suffering with joint pain, sports injuries and soft tissue therapeutic needs all in the Dorking and surrounding areas.


Pre-operative Dorking

How Aquian Will Support You at home in Dorking

We will answer any questions or concerns you may have and understand your goals and what you want to achieve after your surgery.

We will help you prepare for your surgery focused on your mental and physical wellbeing, working on your motivation and also building your strength and mobility to support your recovery process.

Our highly experienced orthopaedic physios will guide you directly or through our qualified practitioners, refer you to the leading biomechanics, sports science and strengthening and conditioning practices

The importance of prerehabilitation

It’s clinically evidenced that starting your rehab before surgery is critical achieving optimal recovery. Muscles and movement can be severely compromised after years of joint pain. A regime to help increase the range and flexion around joints or increasing strength in other areas of your body will help your recovery. Now you can receive all the support you need to prepare and make sure you have all the comfort you need within your own home in Dorking

The Importance Of Rehabilitation After Surgery Or Trauma

Many patients struggle physically and mentally with how they are going to cope when discharged from hospital. Having received great care in the hands of surgeons and nurses it can be daunting when you return home. Many patients are concerned about how they will cope with day-to-day activities, manage residual pain, how much exercise they should be doing and at what stage.
Getting the right support, advice and treatment from a clinical specialist physio as soon as you get home is critical to ensuring you improve joint mobility, strengthen muscles, reduce swelling and mentally help you pace your recovery to regain the movement you need to live your daily life.

Post-op Dorking

How Aquian Will Support You at home in Dorking

Post-operative appointments are arranged from the day after you get home so there’s no waiting for treatment to start and no loss of momentum in the crucial, early stage of your recovery

Our clinical specialist orthopaedic physiotherapists will assess and guide you on treatment and medication to support your recovery

We’ll work with your surgeon to development a treatment plan unique to you to ensure your optimal recovery. Having worked with many leading surgeons in the area, we recognise approaches to rehabilitation may differ.

Elderly falls and mobility Dorking

The Importance Of Ensuring Elderly Vitality?

The ageing process has a habit of bringing to the forefront all those niggling aches and pains that act as a stark reminder we need to work harder to improve our physical health. As we age, our body goes through a series of natural changes such as reduced muscle strength and bone density, stiffer joints and ligaments. If left unchecked, these changes can affect balance and increase the likelihood of falls and accidents. There are some surprising statistics to suggest that falls in the elderly are common.
Aside from the immediate injury, the effects of falling can linger on and impact on the elderly person not only physically, but psychologically and emotionally. It is quite common to suffer a loss of confidence which results in a desire to remain indoors more and walk less for fear of falling again. Although this seems like a sensible option to reduce the possibility of repeat falls, it has the opposite effect! Exercise is vitally important to build and retain muscle strength which helps prevent future falls. Equally, fresh air is essential for everyone but especially the elderly, as the vital Vitamin D we get from the sun is another key element to maintaining healthy bones and muscles.

How Aquian Will Support You at home in Dorking

Given everyone is unique we will start by understanding your aspirations as to what you want and what you are realistically able to achieve

We will develop a long-term programme of functional strength and conditioning exercises designed to keep you motivated and moving.

You will work with our highly experienced orthopaedic physios or with our qualified practitioners to leverage leading research on Elderly vitality through biomechanics, sports science and strength and conditioning practices uniquely tailored to meet your goals.

What To Bring at home in Dorking

Your own mat, headblock or towel to use as a headrest

Your own spikey ball, theraband and oval ball are optional extras

If you don’t have any of the above, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you

Physio Led Pilates Dorking

The Importance Of Pilates?

We believe Pilates is a great way of improving your whole-body strength and mobility and we’re delighted to be able to bring this form of exercise to you, at home your home in Dorking.
Pilates has so many benefits, helping you:
  • Build up strength and optimise joint movementbefore surgery
  • Improve strength and joint mobility following orthopaedic surgery
  • Aid recovery and movement following an injury or fall
  • Improve whole body strength, balance and confidence

Dorking Location

We visit patients in the Dorking area. This extends to cover Reigate, Redhill, Horley, Horsham, Crawley, Epsom, Ashtead, Leatherhead, Banstead and Guildford. Other areas can be visited upon request.


Rehabilitation doesn’t necessarily end once your short-term objectives have been met, such as improving range of movement or muscle activation.
To help you maintain maximum movement and deliver longer term benefits it’s important to continue rehabilitation such as taking regular exercise, stretching and strengthening activity.
Aquian offers a range of sevices to support you on this journey to help you feel better, for longer. We’ll always just be one phone call away.


During all of our visits, we’ll review your progress including pain & swelling management strategies, measure joint & muscle function, and observe gait and functional tasks.
We’ll support you to perform to the level of function that will ultimately give you the mobility needed for daily life.
Together, we’ll set achievable goals to progress your recovery at a pace that ensures you steadily improve.
Regardless of your condition, your safety and comfort are paramount, so you’ll have access to all the support we can offer.


On our first visit we’ll get an understanding of what you’ve been through, what you want to achieve and discuss what treatment might involve. We’ll answer any questions or concerns you have.
For those awaiting surgery, treatments will include any pre-operative sessions and most importantly a plan for the care you might need when you are discharged from hospital.